


Saturday, 30 April 2011

Albert  Einstein's  Answer Finally  Discovered  !

Albert Einstein struggled diligently for the last  30 years of his life searching for how Gravity is connected to his Energy equation.  An answer that was hidden behind a monumental yet surprisingly simple disguise.

But then again riddles are only simple
"after"  you have been given their answers.

Below is the most specific proof to the answer that Albert Einstein was searching for apart from the comprehensive Mathematical proof on  EinsteinElectricity.com

= Mass           = Acceleration          Z = Time          m = Meter

A one kilogram lead ball moving through space horizontally at one meter per second for one second is a specific definition of energy.  However the visual equation that we physically see for the moving ball is only;
Mass  x  Velocity (Acceleration x Time)  x  a period of Time.
Momentum  x  Time.
Kilogram  x  Meter
as opposed to the complete energy equation of   kgm2/s2

In the above diagram the moving lead ball that we see is specifically described by the equation

Kilogram  x  Meter

That is the  "total"  of all the elements of the physics that we can physically  "see"  happening.  One kilogram of Mass moving horizontally at one meter per second for one second.

But we know that for hundreds of years this same movement of a ball through space has been  "proven"  to be the definition of Energy.  If the moving ball was magnetic and passed through a coil  the moving ball would in fact produce Electricity (Energy).  And energy is not defined as kgm.  Energy is defined as   kgm2/s2.

The moving lead ball  "is"  Energy.

The moving ball is physically an exact definition of energy (kgm2/s2) so why then do we only see kgm ?  There is a single and specific factor of Acceleration(m/s2) being hidden from our eyes. 

Where is it ?

The answer begins in 1730 a.d. during the time of the original genius  Willem Gravesande  (sadly he is unknown to many).
Be sure to see the link  Gravesande's Experiment.
Willem's monumental contribution to physics and discovery involved his experiment in which he dropped a lead ball from varying heights into a bed of soft clay.  From these varying heights the ball would then obtain different velocities into the clay surface.  Willem then discovered that a ball with two times the velocity would leave an indentation in the clay that was four times as deep, and that a ball with three times the velocity would leave an indentation nine times as deep, and so on.  Mr. Gravesande then shared these results with  Emilie du Chatelet  who subsequently then corrected Mr. IsaacNewton's mistaken energy formula of  E = mv  as she then gave the revised version to the world in its "half" correct equation of;
E = mv2
(the "m" is Photonic-Mass not our everyday-Mass)
(the pure Physics equation is "Mass x Gravity x Distance" and the
Acceleration of Gravity is already inside the "A" of the AZ2 of Distance)

So for hundreds of years the historically proven Mathematical equation for Energy has been considered by man as;

Energy = Mass x Velocity2
Energy = Mass x (Acceleration x Time)2
Energy = kgm2/s2

So we now seem to have a giant paradoxical contradiction.  We know that the moving lead ball  "is"  in fact energy yet the physical mathematical equation that we see with our eyes is only;

Mass  x  Velocity  x  Time
A piece of Mass moving horizontally at a constant Velocity
for a specific period of Time.

m x V  x  Z     or     kgm

whereas the Mathematical equation for energy that today's science declares is;

m x V x V     or     mV2     or     kgm2/s2

The physical horizontally moving lead ball is lacking one specific and exact factor of  "Acceleration"  from its mathematically proven definition of energy.

Where is it ?

It's in the  "difference"  between a ball that is moving horizontally in space and a ball that is falling to earth.  In 1730 a.d. Willem Gravesande did not realize that he discovered that "Mass x Falling Distance" is equal to "Photonic-Mass x Velocity2".  And the most incredible pinnacle of his discovery lies in the the fact that squaring of the Velocity is  "radically"  connected to the Acceleration of the ball's falling distance.
Because the ball falling to earth in Willem's experiment was being pushed down to the earth by photonic-mass from the sun (Gravity) he did not realize that one of the "Acceleration" factors was already being contained within the AZ2 of the ball's falling Distance.  Hence his "Mass" factor then contained an "extra" Acceleration factor.  However because he didn't realize that Mass is composed of "q x A" (q x A = Mass as we see it) he did not realize that his E=mv2 was actually defining the quantum energy of the falling ball rather than using "Mass x Falling Distance" to define the energy of the ball's motion.  For a more thorough explanation see Gravesande's Experiment.

Both Albert Einstein and Willem Gravesande actually calculated the energy of
 Photonic-Mass and not the everyday-Mass that we see and feel.
The  "m"  in both  E=mv2  and  E=mc2  is Photonic-Mass.

When you multiply Photonic-Mass by Acceleration it becomes our everyday-Mass.
Photonic-Mass  x  Acceleration  =  Everyday-Mass as we see it.

A =  Acceleration
m  =  everyday Mass that we see
q  =  Photonic-Mass
q  =  m / Acceleration
q  x  A  =  Mass
m/A  x  A  =  m

Photonic-Mass is orbiting (Accelerating) within everyday-Mass.
1/AZ2 is the Mathematical equation for Combustion = Flame.
Flame = Mass being divided by Energy (Light and Heat).

When you open up both Gravesande and Einstein's equations you will plainly see that both of them equal  Mass x Distance.  Be sure to understand that Gravesande's Energy was relative to the ball "falling a Distance".  Mass x Distance.  It's only the fact that he chose the Velocity factor rather than the Distance factor that he then unknowingly put the focus on "Light" that is within all Mass rather than placing the focus on our everyday Mass.
Gravesande and Einstein made the exact same errors.  Both of their equations calculate "Photonic-Mass Energy" and so their equations do not truly represent their physical Energies.  Gravesande should have used the equation of Mass x "Distance" and Einstein should have used the equation of "Photonic-Mass" x c2.  This is the giant key to why unification has been a mystery for such a long time;

1.  Both of their equations give us "correct numerical" answers.
2.  Both of their equations give erroneous Physical explanations.

And this is because whether you multiply "Photonic-Mass by c2 or everyday-Mass by Distance they both give the same numerical answer.
If Willem and Albert would have used their correct physical representations then they would have given us the true Energy equations of;

E = mAZ2
(Mass x Distance)
(not the half correct E=mv2)


E = qc2
(Photonic-Mass x c2)
(not the half correct E=mc2)

As we open up both of their equations we will see that;

E = mV2
E = mc2
E = mass x Velocity2
Velocity = Acceleration x Time
E = mass x (Acceleration x Time)2
Acceleration = A          Time = Z
E = m x (A x Z)2
E = m(AZ)2
E = mA2Z2
E = mA x AZ2
E = (some type of Mass) x Acceleration x Distance
(some type of Mass)  =  Photonic-Mass  =  "q"
E = qA2Z2
q x Acceleration  =  Mass as we see it.

The reality of both Gravesande and Einstein's  "m"
is that they are Photonic-Mass.

q  =  Photonic-Mass
q  =  m/A
m  =  Mass as we see it

The exact mathematical equation for the Energy that we plainly see via a lead ball moving through space at a constant Velocity for a period of Time = Mass x Velocity x Time = m x AZ x Z = mAZ2 = Mass x Distance.  However because Gravesande's "falling Distance" already possesses the "Acceleration of Gravity" we see that there is then an extra factor of Acceleration existing within his mV2 equation.  m(Velocity)2  =  m(Acceleration x Time)2 = m(AxAxZxZ).  And one of those A's isalready the A of Gravitational Acceleration.
Because Gravity's A is already within the AZ2 of Gravesande's falling Distance, the extra A must be multiplied by the m in order to produce "Mass as we see it" (the lead ball).

mA  must equal  "Mass as we see it"
Therefore  "m"  must equal  m/A  =  (some type of Mass)
E = (Photon x Acceleration) x Distance
E = Mass (as we see it) x Distance
E = lead ball x Distance
E = lead ball x Velocity x Time
E = m x AZ x Z

Then and only then  E  can equal Gravesande's E=mv2;
Gravesande's  "m"  is actually  "m/A"
E = (m/A x A) x AZ2  
Mass falling a Distance
Gravesande's  mv2

Then and only then  E  can equal Einstein's E=mc2;
Einstein's  "m"  is actually  "m/A"
E = m/A x (AZ) x (AZ)
Photonic-Mass  x  c2
Einstein's  mc2

Both Gravesande and Einstein are actually
"Mass x Gravity and Distance".

Our everyday-Mass Energy is equal to;

E = mAZ2
E = mV2
and not
E = mc2

Our everyday-Mass Energy is equal to;


Photonic-Mass Energy =  kgm2/s2

Photonic-Mass Energy is equal to  E=mV2  and  E=mc2

kgm2/s2  has been used for hundreds of years due to the very fact that Willem Gravesande did not realize that  Mass x Velocity2  was equal to Photonic-Mass Energy and that  Mass x Distance was equal to our everyday-Mass Energy (lead ball falling a Distance).
Somewhere "connected" to the movement of the "falling" ball there is a factor of Acceleration that cannot be physically seen by the human eye yet beyond any question it is absolutely present.  Beyond any question it most certainly exists and is part of that moving ball.  And believe it or not, that factor of Acceleration is the exact answer to Albert Einstein's 30 year pursuit of how Gravity (the Acceleration of Photonic division) is connected to his energy equation E=mc2.
Due to the fact that Albert was led astray by Willem Gravesande's  "m"  in his E=mV2 was the reason for Albert's great frustration and inability to unify Gravity with E=mc2.

The  Acceleration  of  Photonic-Mass x Distance  =  Energy.

The lead ball moving in space does not possess the pressure of Light (Gravity) that a falling ball on earth possess.

Photons are Accelerating at the rate of  9.80175174 m/s2
As Photons are being divided off of Mass (which we see as flame) they emit Light because;

Mass Combusting x the  Velocity of Light moving a Distance while losing Heat  =  Light.
m/AZ2   x   AZ   x   AZ2   /   A2Z3   =   m/AZ  =  q/=  Light.

Albert Einstein assumed that his "m" was Mass as we see it however the true reality of our universe is that all Photonic-Mass is engaged in divisional Acceleration which is the Acceleration of Gravity (pressure of all Light Products) past us, or the Photon Flow which = Magnetism, thus giving us the complete and absolute expression of Energy along with the physical entities of Light and Magnetism.
The sun in space = m/AZ2 = Mass divided by its own spherical Distance = Mass being changed into Light and Heat via Photon division and this division is happening at the very rate that gives us the inverse square equation for Gravity.  This is the exact reason why the Velocity of Light x the image of the moon = the actual physical measurements of the moon.
The diameter of the moon (its image) projected upon the surface of the earth  x  the Velocity of Gravity (coefficient of Photonic Acceleration x Orbit Time = 299,792,458)  =  the exact physical diameter of the moon.
Place a mirror on the ground during a full moon (when the moon is high above the horizon otherwise the earth's atmosphere magnifies the moon's image).

Then measure the diameter of the image of the moon in the mirror.  When you multiply that  1.159 cm diameter of the image that hits the mirror by the coefficient of Light Velocity you get the exact physical diameter of the moon.
1.159 cm  image diameter   x   299,792,458 coefficient  =
3474.8 kilometers  (exact actual diameter of the moon)
See Light for a complete explanation.

Some may ask; Why has this been a mystery for so long ?

And the answer is;  This has been a mystery for the past 105 years because man has not had any reason to stop and try to figure out what these two segments of language represent;

(1, 12, 2, 5, 18, 20)     (5, 9, 14, 19, 20, 5, 9, 14)

but when translated into a language that we readily understand they spell

A L B E R T     E I N S T E I N

And in the exact same way that we did not have any reason to pay closer attention to the digits above we also have not had any real reason to dig deeper behind the elements of kgm2/s2.
The letters of Albert's name are  "disguised"  within the 14 digits above and so also the true mathematical equation of the energy of Gravesande's falling lead ball has also been disguised within the terms of

Inside the above units is a very simple and straight forward explanation for what is physically happening regarding the movement of Mass.  And For the last  105 years the above expression of energy has been hiding the two independent factors of Acceleration within a falling ball.  However when the energy of the ball is written in its pure scientific expression of  Mass x (Acceleration x Time)2  the missing factor of Acceleration then becomes completely exposed, perfectly visible and certainly obvious.

= Mass           = Acceleration          Z = Time          m = Meter

The visual equation of Gravesande's lead ball falling to earth is;
m A Z2
The long accepted Energy equation is;
m A2 Z2
Gravity is already the  A  that is in  1.1.  A=Acceleration
of  Gravity
And so number  2. must now be  mA x AZ2 (Gravity included)
And so now the second (hidden) factor of  "A"  (m/s2)  within the long accepted Energy equation becomes very clear and evident.  The A that is attached to the m.  The very A that Albert Einstein spent 30 years searching for.  The Acceleration of the "q" particle that creates all Mass.  q xAcceleration = Mass as we see it.
q x Acceleration = Einstein's "m"
q = Photonic-Mass
The same Photonic-Mass that when Accelerated a Distance = Electricity.

The Acceleration of the q particle is the missing A in the "falling" equation of the ball.  It cannot be seen by the human eye and that is why it is never mentioned.  However you can rest assured as certainly as Energy and Gravity exist, Photonic-Mass Acceleration absolutely  "is"  that  A.  The physical and mathematical truth of the complete Energy equation of;
E = qA2Z2
E = qc2
The missing part of the Energy of the ball that is moving in space.  The that fulfills the true and complete equation of pure Electrical Energy because pure Electrical Energy is certainly;
Photonic-Mass Energy.
Albert's equation indeed  should read
E = qc2
Energy = (photonic-Mass) x c2

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