


Saturday 30 April 2011

Alphabetical index of the Formulas

Alphabetical index of the Formulas arising from
The  Unification  of  Electricity.
(be sure to see   EinsteinElectricity.com)

Albert Einstein spent the last  30 years of his life diligently searching for the direct connection between Gravity and Energy.  The formulas below are the equations that Albert was searching for but could never have discovered due to the fact that he did not realize that the "m" in his equation is actually "Photonic-Mass" or m/A (Mass divided by Acceleration).  See  True Energy.

E = qA2Z2
E = qc2
is the one true equation for all Energy.
(Mathematically proven on EinsteinElectricity.com)

E Energy
q = Photonic-Mass
m = Mass as we see it.
A = Acceleration
Z = Time of particle Orbit
A x Z = Velocity of Electricity (Velocity of Gravity)

the above equation is derived from;
E = m x Velocity2
Velocity = (Acceleration x Time)
E = m x (Acceleration x Time)2
A = Acceleration       Z = Time
E = m(AZ)2
E = m A2 Z2
E = mA x AZ2
AZ2 = Distance
E = mA x Distance
Because Willem Gravesande's historic experiment proved that true Energy = Mass x Distance with the Acceleration of Gravity already existing within the Acceleration factor of that Distance, therefore;
mA  must then  =  Mass as we see it.
mA  =  True Mass
m  =  True Mass / A
m  must be transformed into  q  in order to differentiate True Mass.
qA  =  True Mass
q  =  True Mass / A
True Mass  =  m
q  =  Photonic-Mass
Photonic-Mass  =  True Mass / Acceleration
q  =  m/A
qA = Mass
therefore Gravesande's Mass x Distance Energy must equal;
therefore the one and only True equation for Energy is;
E = qA2Z2
E = qc2

Albert Einstein accidentally inverted the substances of Mass  and  Photonic-Mass  in his Energy equation E=mc2.  And the incredible thing is that E=mc2 gives a correct  numerical  answer for Energy (this is why the error has been hidden for so long) however it is numerically correct only.  The root of the equation is most certainly false.  In the same way that  -7 x -7  =  49.  The  -7  gives a correct numerical result, however  +7  is the Pure and True equation.
An exactly analogy is found in the photos below.  The outline of the first image parallels Einstein's numericalanswer (the outline is correct) however the root, the fundamental core (the shading) of the first image parallels the physics of Albert's equation and so you can plainly see it is the inverse of reality, the exact inverse of True and Pure Physics.


From the one true equation for Energy
   we get;

Alphabetical Index of Equations

E = qc2
E = qA2Z2
E = Photonic-Mass x A x AZ2
Energy =PowerxTime
Energy =Lightx c2andc2xTime
Energy =LightxHeat
Power  =  Light   x   c2c2   x   Time  =  Heat
Temperature and Heat are two different things.Temp = AZ  (Orbit Velocity)     Heat = A2Z3  (Orbit Velocity x Distance)
Energy =MassxTemperature2
Energy =MassxHeat2
Energy =MassxDistance2
Energy =FrictionxDistance

A = Acceleration of Photon Division  =  9.80175174 m/s2.
A = Speed of Gravity / Orbit Time
A =  c / Z  =  AZ / Z
A = Orbit Diameter / Orbit Time2
A = E / mZ2
Acceleration / Frequency = Velocity
Area of a Sphere = Circumference x Circle Area x 2 / 3 pi

B = Back in 1730 a.d. Willem Gravesande accidentally gave the world an Energy equation for the "Photonic-Mass" Energy that is within all Mass.  Then led astray by Willem's error, Albert Einstein also gave the world an equally "half correct" equation.

c = 299,792,458 meters / second
c = The Velocity of Photon Acceleration x Orbit Time.
c2 = Heat / Time
c2 = Heat2 / Distance2
c2 = Distance2 / Time2
Combustion of Mass = Oxidation = Mass / Time = m/Z = Photon = Electrical Ohm
Combustion = the Sun = Mass melting into photons (quantum m/Z particles).

Density = Pressure / Temperature2
Density x Distance2 x Time = Light
m/A3Z6  x  A2Z4  x Z  =  m/AZ
Distance = AZ2 = Orbit Diameter
Distance = Photon Acceleration x Orbit Time2
Distance = AZ2 = Coulomb = Charge
Distance = Force x Farad = mA x Z2/m
Distance = cZ     and     c x Distance = c2 x Orbit Time = Heat.
Distance2 = Velocity2 x Time2
Distance2 = c2 x Z2
Distance = Heat x Time
Distance2 = Heat x Time
Dynamic Viscosity is actually units of Magnetic Field.
D2 / c2 = Z2 / 1

Electric Field = Mass / Orbit Time2
Electric Field = Energy / Orbit Distance2
Electric Field = Light / Acceleration
Electric Field  /  Photon = Frequency
Electric Field  /  Velocity = Magnetic Field
Energy = qc2
Energy x Gravitational Acceleration = mc2
Energy = q(AZ)2
Energy = Photonic-Mass x (Gravitational Acceleration x Orbit Time)2
Energy = Photonic-Mass x (Velocity of Gravity)2
Energy = Gravity x Velocity x Distance
mAZ2 = m/AZ x AZ x AZ2
Energy = Light x c2 x Time
mAZ2 = m/AZ x A2Z2 x Z
Energy = Light x Heat
mAZ2 = m/AZ x A2Z3
Energy = Resistance / Acceleration x Heat
Energy = Friction x Time2
Energy = Mass x Heat / Velocity
Energy = Light x Distance2 / Time
Energy = Light x Time x c2
Energy = Angular Momentum  /  Temperature.

Force = Photon x Velocity
Force = Ohm x Velocity
mA = m/Z x AZ
Friction = Force
Friction = Volume x Density x Acceleration
Friction = Pressure x Heat x Time
Friction x Time2 / Heat  = Light
Friction / Magnetic Field = Heat

Gravity = Light = Magnetism = Mass / Velocity = m/AZ.
Gravity = A pushing force NOT a pulling force.
Gravity = The pressure of Light products upon the earth.
Gravity = Mass / Temperature.

Heat = Energy / Light
A2Z3 = mAZ2  /  m/AZ
Heat = Velocity x Distance = A2Z3
Heat = Friction x Distance  /  Photon.
Heat = c2 x Time
Heat = Distance2 / Time
Heat / Distance = Temperature = Orbit Velocity = AZ
Heat = Energy x Velocity / Mass

Impedance = the Ohm = the Photon  = Mass / Time = m/Z
Infinity = Pi = 3.14159265 . . .

JouleSecond = Action = Energy x Time = Planck's presumed Constant.
JS = Mass x Velocity x Distance
JS = Mass x Heat

Kilogram = 1 Volt x 1 Second  /  Velocity of Electricity.
Kilogram = Light x c
Kilogram = Photon x Heat  /  c2
Kinematic Viscosity is actually units of "Heat".

Light = m/AZ = Mass / Velocity.
Light = Energy / Heat.
Light = Photon Acceleration.
Light = Mass burning  /  Acceleration.
Light = Mass siphoning (melting) off of its parental Mass  /  Acceleration.
Light = Mass separated from Temperature = m/AZ.
Light = Force x Time  /  c2.
Light = Momentum / c2
Light = Mass x Heat  /  c2 x Distance
Light x Electric Field = Mass x Magnetic Field
Light x Heat = Energy
Light does not posses Heat it produces Heat as it travels a Velocity x Distance.  Light traveling from the sun to the earth "produces" Heat.
Light (m/AZ) x Heat (A2Z= Velocity x Distance) = Energy.

Magnetic Field x Heat = Friction
Mass / Light = Velocity of Light
Mass with a Frequency = m/Z = Photon
Mass being divided into burning particles = m/Z = Photon
Mass = Energy / c2
Mass = Light x Heat / Distance
Mass = Light x c

N =

Orbit Diameter = AZ2 = Coulomb = Electric Charge
Orbit Time = Z

Photon = m/Z = Mass divided by Time = Flame.
Photon = the sun = Mass combusting into stationary quantum stars.
Photon = the Electrical Ohm = Resistance (because it's stationary against electric flow) (Electricity = Ohm x Distance x Time = mAZ2).
Power =  Energy / Time
Power = Light x c3
Power = Heat x Distance
Power = Force x Time
Pi = 3.14159265
Pi = 3 x Infinity
Pressure x Volume = JouleSecond   m/AZ4 x A3Z6 = mA2Z2
Pressure / Density = Temperature2

q Particle = a form of Light
q = m/A = Mass divided by Acceleration (Einstein's presumed "m")
(q x A) x c2 = Einstein's mc2
q Particle x Acceleration = Mass as we see it.
qA/Z = m/Z = Photon.
q/Z = m/A / Z = m/AZ = Light.
q x Acceleration x Distance = Mass x Distance = Electricity.
Quantum Stars = Photons
Quantum Stars = Mass / Time
Quantum Stars = Flame

Resistance = an Ohm = Photon = Mass / Time = m/Z
Resistance = Stationary Photons being hit by Accelerated q particles (Electrical flow).
Resistance = Force / Velocity
Resistance = Power / Distance

Seconds = Z = Time = Orbit Diameter / Velocity

Temperature = Velocity = AZ
Temperature = Heat / Distance = A2Z3 / AZ2 = AZ
Time = Z
Time = Mass orbiting.
Time = Energy / Momentum
Time = Heat / c2
Time = Distance2 / Heat

U =

Velocity of Light = Photon division Acceleration x Orbit Time.
Velocity = Temperature.
Velocity = Power / Mass

Watt = Power = Energy / Time
Watt =  Mass x Acceleration x Time
Willem Gravesande = Calculated Photonic-Mass energy and mistakenly presented it as Mass energy.  The "m" in E=mv2is actually "Photonic-Mass".  This mistake then caused the same error in Einstein's E=mc2.
Willem Gravesande = In the year 1730 dropped a ball and then calculated the Acceleration of Photon division x Distance that pushed the ball against the earth.  q x A x AZ2= m x AZ2 = Mass x Distance = Energy.

X-Rays = Ionizing Radiation = Coulomb / Kg = Distance / Mass


Z = Orbit Time
Z = Time
Z = Velocity of Light / Photon division Acceleration (Gravity).
Z = Heat / c2
Z = Distance2 / Heat

E = qA2Z2
E = qc2
E = "mass as we see it"  x  Distance  =  (qA x AZ2)  =  mAZ2
UnitPure PhysicsHistoric TermTrue RealityExplanationSI units
JouleqA3Z2EnergyPhotonic-Mass x Acceleration x DistanceMass as we see it x Distancekg meter2per second2
WattqA3ZPowerPhotonic-Mass x Acceleration x VelocityMass as we see it x Velocitykg meter2per second3
AmpereAZVelocityVelocity of ElectricityAcceleration x Timemeters per second
VoltqAForcePhotonic-Mass x AccelerationMass as we see it(includes Gravity)kg meters per second2
OhmqA/Z = m/ZResistancePhotonic-Mass / TimeMass x Frequency= Photonkg per second
CoulombAZ2ChargeOrbit Diameter
Acceleration x Time2meters
FaradZ2/qaCapacitanceCoulomb / ForceTime2 / Masssecond2per kg
WeberqAZMagnetic FluxInertiaMass as we see it x Timekg second
Teslaq/Z3Magnetic FieldLight / Time2Photon / Time3kg per meter second
SiemenZ/qConductanceTime / Photonic-MassVelocity /
Mass as we see it
seconds per kg
El. FieldqA/Z2Electric FieldMass / Time2Photon / Timekg per second2
HenryqAInductancePhotonic-Mass x AccelerationMass as we see it(apart from Gravity)kg
TimeZTimeInverse of FrequencyMotionseconds
AccelerationAAccelerationVelocity / TimeChange of Velocitymeter per second2
UnitPure PhysicsHistoric TermTrue RealityExplanationSI units

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